About Us2025-02-06T09:36:51-05:00

FullBloom provides education and behavioral health solutions that create better life outcomes for children and their families, regardless of the learning obstacles and other challenges they face.

Our Corporate Values



Communicate clearly, openly, and directly



Demonstrate a bias for action



Acknowledge and learn from mistakes



Embrace personal ownership



Promote respect, representation and belonging

Our Executive Leadership

Jeffrey Cohen CEO

Jeffrey Cohen

Chief Executive Officer
Chris Catalano Chief Financial Officer

Chris Catalano

Chief Financial Officer
Tim Hickey Senior Vice President, Marketing

Rochelle Krombolz

Chief Human Resources Officer
Michael Kisilevitz Senior Vice President, Education & Corporate Operations

Rob Klapper

President, School Solutions
Dawn Thomas, President SESI

Dawn Thomas

President, SESI
Eric Wenck Chief Financial Officer

Steven DeVore

President, Little Leaves
Michael Kisilevitz Senior Vice President, Education & Corporate Operations

Michal Kisilevitz

SVP, School Solutions Operations
Eric Wenck Chief Financial Officer

Eric Wenck

Chief Information Officer
Tim Hickey Senior Vice President, Marketing

Tim Hickey

Chief Marketing Officer


Why Work for the FullBloom family of companies?

Have you been seeking an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children? At FullBloom, our mission is to create brighter futures for all children, regardless of the learning barriers or other challenges they may face.

Contact Us

For general business inquiries:

Email: [email protected]
(800) 841-8730

For media inquiries only:

RoseComm for FullBloom
[email protected]
(215) 681-0770

For compliance & ethics inquiries:

For compliance and ethics questions or concerns, contact the Compliance and Ethics Hotline* (independently managed by ReportAnIssue.com) at (888) 420-7636;  https://reportanissue.com/fullbloom/welcome

*There will be no retribution for asking questions or raising concerns, or for reporting in good faith possible improper conduct through the Hotline.

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